At Symphony Center

Before ...

... After!

The fence atop Mount Baldhead, with Rowen.

Reunion in Indianapolis with Mary Claire -- perfect start to Spring Break!

In Louisville.

In front of the Grand Ole Opry House.

We spent one glorious day driving through the Smokies from Nashville to Asheville (because they rhyme, of course!)

Easter haul.

Cassie won the Orchestra Director's award for musicianship!

Orff Ensemble (think marimbas and xylophones) buddies.

Going to the Eighth Grade Dance, still silly BFFs after all these years.

Our graduate.

Three in a tree.

New row boat on Goshorn Lake

Another new 'do.

Happy Father's Day!

Silliness with Uncle Stevie.

Celebrating the sunset with Sophie.

Our (sort of) annual fish fly picture.

Nighttime Slip 'N Slide.


Michael and Matthew came for a visit to Loggy House.

In "downtown Saugatuck".

Happy 14th birthday!

The happy start of a two-week stay at Camp Anokijig.

First day of 9th grade.

Off to Oak Park River Forest High School!

Goofy fun in downtown Oak Park.

Reunion with Mary Claire at Loggy House.

A visit with Grandma Funny.

Ready for the Homecoming dance.

Hanging in the pit at Jennie Gutman's house.

Cousin love.

Cassie was Halloween for Halloween.

Viola recital.

Dad doesn't have to put the star on top anymore.

Christmas Eve. Photo credit: Joanna McCaffrey.

Christmas morning.

These cousins love to cuddle around the iPad.

Happy New Year!