A treat in February!

The Great One himself.

Wonderful graphics!

Decision made!! April 1 (no fooling).

Our old garage came down in April.

Last viola concert, with Sarah Gasse (viola teacher) and Terry Tennis (piano teacher, who came to hear Cassie play viola).


Last day of high school.

Last CYSO Philharmonic Orchestra concert.

Graduation Day.

After graduation; a glorious day on the OPRF football field.

Graduation dinner with the cousins.

Back to Anokijig as senior staff!

Pre-birthday birthday celebration.

The excitement of turning 18: buying a lottery ticket!

Camp Anokijig woodworking crew.

She's leaving home ...

... for Ann Arbor!

Parents' Weekend football game against Iowa; Michigan eked out out a victory.

First Campus Symphony Orchestra concert at Hill Auditorium.

Home for Thanksgiving; time to get ready for Christmas.

We have a new garage, and it only took 6 months!

Christmas morning.

Last night of Hanukkah.