Geometric Wallhanging for the Lewis Family
(50 x 33 in, 127 x 84 cm)​
I started this wall hanging in maybe 2008 or 2009. My brother Danny and his wife Carolyn asked if I would make something for their large dining room wall. Well, how could I say no? It would be a nice departure from dolls and would be a big challenge. They picked out a bunch of yarns from my stash and I added still more. Danny said he wanted some of the 3-D structures I've put in some of my hosiery reefs. So I started making various pieces, some flat geometric shapes, some 3-D reefy clusters, but nothing was coming together. I made more pieces, and more, and more. Still I couldn't find a way to put them all together. I finally had an epiphany: I should make two pieces -- one using the reefy clusters and one using the flat geometrics. The piece below hangs in the dining room as planned. It took a long time for this piece to come together even after most of the pieces were made. My good friend Pam Penney helped me to figure out an arrangment for the pieces. Finished November 2011, a year after its sibling piece.